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February 28, 2021 0 Comments

Protecting a Storm-Damaged Roof

Storm-Damaged Roof Temporary Fix

Protecting a Storm-Damaged Roof: The roof on our home is there to protect us from the brutal force that is Mother Nature, but sometimes she can be too much to handle. High winds, torrential rain, hail, and snow can all take their toll. You never know which storm will leave your roof in shambles. If the bad weather has passed and you find yourself with a roofing crisis, a fast response can avoid further damage to your home. You may need to protect your damaged roof until the professionals arrive temporarily.

First steps

You should do a few things before you grab the ladder and climb up on the roof. It’s crucial to your and your family’s safety that you do not attempt any repairs during an active storm. If you have experienced severe weather damage to your roof, please call for help and seek the assistance of your family, friends, or neighbors. Safety is always the highest priority.

Assess the Damage

Once you’re sure the storm has moved along, it’s time to assess the damage. Before you go outside, look through your home for signs such as cracks or water leakage in the ceiling. If you find leakage inside, assess that area on the outside to see what could be causing the issue.

Don’t attempt to climb onto your roof until you ensure there are no powerlines down, debris in the way, or any other dangerous conditions. From your ladder, with it leaned securely against your home, have a long, hard look across the roof. It’s essential to survey the structure before putting your weight to prevent falling through the roof. If it’s safe, climb up onto your roof and assess the shingles’ conditions, metal flashings, eaves trough, and check for any holes. You may need a measuring tape to determine the size of the damaged area accurately. When purchasing a tarp for your temporary roof protection will be beneficial.

Call the Professionals

Now that you have determined the condition of your storm-damaged roof, you should call a professional roofer. Although I’m sure you’re eager to lay down temporary protection on your top, you need to contact your local roofing contractor to make an appointment with a specialist as soon as possible. If there have been significant damages in your city, service times may be affected. Temporary roof protection is just that, temporary. You will want to have your roof repair technician provide an evaluation sooner than later if more wild weather is on the horizon. Remember, you are only Protecting a Storm-Damaged Roof temporarily.

Choosing materials

If you’re not able to have a professional roof repair done soon enough, you may have to secure temporary protection for your roof in the meantime. Below is a list of materials you may need to install a temporary covering for your roof.

  • Heavy-duty tarp
    Double the size of the damaged area.
  • Plywood or sheet metal pieces
    If there are holes to be covered.
  • Safety equipment
    E.g., safety shoes, work gloves, etc.
  • Reliable ladder
  • Lumber – 2″ x 4″ pieces
  • Roofing nails and screws
    Both are important.
  • Drill and hammer

Installation steps

Now that you have the materials to temporarily mend your storm-damaged roof, a friend to help you’re ready to get to work. Therefore, follow the steps below.

  1. Cut and secure plywood or sheet metal pieces to cover any leaking areas on the roof.

Be sure to overhang the hole by at least 4-inches on each side.

Use screws to ensure it’s fastened securely.

  • Roll out the tarp across your roof, covering the damaged area.

The tarp should overhang the ridgeline of your roof, so water cannot run beneath it. Let the tarp hang over your eaves if the damaged area is near the edge of your roof.

Ensure there is 4-feet of extra tarp surrounding the damaged area.

  • Create an anchor board by nailing one end of your tarp to a 2 x 4 board.

After the tarp is attached to the board, roll the board into the tarp, wrapping it around two or three times. Attach the board to your roof by screwing through the tarp and board.

  • Sandwich the tarp by screwing the second piece of 2 x 4 on top of the first.

This step ensures the tarp’s security in the event there’s more troublesome weather to come.

  • Pull the remaining sides of the tarp taut, lay a 2 x 4 board across the next side of the tarp, and fasten it to the roof with screws.

There is no need to roll the board into the tarp now; however, be sure the screws go through both the board and tarp and at least an inch into the roof.

  • Repeat the previous step for the other sides, keeping the tarp pulled tight.

If a side of the tarp overhangs your eaves, you can choose to repeat step 4 and attach the board to your roof or underneath the soffit and against the house.

  • Double-check there are no areas where the tarp overhangs the 2 x 4 boards.

Cut off any tarp that may flap in the wind. All the tarp edges must be secured to prevent air and water from getting underneath and causing further damages.

Temporary solutions need a permanent fix.

This temporary protection for your storm-damaged roof will help you prevent more harm from happening to your home, but this won’t last forever. You must get in touch with a professional roofer as soon as possible so roof repairs can be scheduled. A heavy-duty tarp will give you some time to arrange repairs, but temporary roof protection is not to be a long-term solution.

Protecting a Storm-Damaged Roof Blog, 2/28/21. All Rights Reserved.
