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February 14, 2020 0 Comments

How to inspect your roof after a major storm.

How to inspect your roof: The roof of your house is vulnerable to damage because of it being exposed to the outdoor elements. Storms with high winds, hail, heavy rain can damage all types of shingles. It is a great idea to see if your local roofing company has routine maintenance plans that include checking your roof after every storm. With that said, you are catching roof damage early so that its repaired and future destruction avoided. Roofing companies can help you find the damage and if you can file an insurance claim. 

Can you spot roof damage?  

Without knowing what you are looking for, a self-inspection will not help you. It is best to have a professional roofer to inspect your roof and give you a recommendation.

Here are some things to check for after a severe storm.

1. Inspect the roof and yard from outside:

Winds above 50 mph can damage the shingles, cutters, and flashings.

Shingles laying in your yard is a clear sign that rain, hail, or wind combined took a toll on your roof. Therefore, you will need the services of your hometown roofing company. Always look for the following signs of roof damage:

Composite Shingles may curl, lose granulation, or maybe pried loose and go missing. The Flashing may break, tear, the top protective rubber coating, or may buckle from the damage. Flat roofs may show cracks, spots of wetness, and blistering. Wood shakes may look decayed, cracked, have chips, and be moldy.

2. Storm damage 

Shingle blisters or showing of rashes after a storm may be hard to distinguish from those that may have a manufacturing defect. A trained and experienced roofer can determine if over time, the shingles have deteriorated or if they have suffered from severe storm damage.

3. Sealing strip damage 

 During high winds, the sealing strip that holds shingles together may tear. Once the winds have stopped, and the shingles have settled back in place, there is no visible damage to the sealing strip. If you do not repair the sealing piece, it will lead to leakage from the roof. Make sure to have your roofing contractor check the sealing strips for damage.

4. Inspect the attic

If you see the dampness in the rafters or leakage, that will, of course, indicate roof damage. Wetness marks will point to where water is seeping and gathering under the roof shingles.

5. Check for cracks the chimney

Some people never think that strong winds, hail, or hard rain can erode mortar used to construct your fireplace chimney. If there are loose flashings and shingles where the stack joins the ceiling, it can result in water leakage.

6. Damage to the windows

Cracked glass, broken panes, shattered wood suggest the storm was severe enough for roof damage also. At this time, it is when a timely roof check after the wind, hail or rain, can make a big difference between light repair or more expensive repairs. 

If concerns about your roof after a storm, make sure you call your local roofing company immediately.  

How to inspect your roof after a storm. Written for PCS Roofing by SEO After Coffee, Greenville SC.
