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October 16, 2020 0 Comments

What do insurance adjusters look for on roofs?

If a tornado left your roof in the need of repair, you may need to file a claim with the insurance provider of your homeowners and consult with an adjuster of insurance claims to assess the severity of the eligible damages. Damages may vary from a complete roof repair costing upwards of $50k to a few thousand dollars in repairs to the smaller roof or home affected spaces. Insurance claims for roof damage can also be tricky to inspect and prove the case.


A home insurance policy quite often covers some roofing damage, whereas another damage to the roof is not. We have the most valuable suggestions you must know about claims for roof insurance, working with a roof insurance adjuster, and managing roof inspection insurance. When filing an insurance claim for roof hail damage and other severe weather damage, here are some things to bear in mind. Let’s get into it and explore them.

What Do Insurance Adjusters Look for On Roofs?

  • Inspecting the Roof
  • Inspecting the Siding

If your property has been damaged by an extreme storm, tornado, or other significant weather incidents, the very first thing you’ll notice is that time is important! It is very important to clearly take photos and/or note down any damages, and afterwards, contact your insurance agent to begin with the property insurance claims process as soon as possible after a tornado so that you can get the money you need to make the necessary improvements on your roof!

Roof-Inspection by PCS Roofing

Well, to address your point, “What are insurance adjusters on roofs looking for?” (The fact is) A LOT! If your roof is over 20 years old on certain material forms, the insurance adjusters who check the roof for damage look at three key things: The Age of the Roof-The Age of the Roof will come into play. Start asking questions, but always make it sure to read the fine print before you sign your contract because, after 20 years, certain home insurance plans will place a cap on the value of your roof!

In this document, they find out a reality that would be very true for competent people who hold what a rooftop is up against each other in nature every day, and far truer for professional roofers! They claim that: “Proper installation of the roof is done by experienced and sound construction methods, rigorous checks, and compliance with code specifications, guidelines, and provider recommendations.” Visible signs of damage inside and outside-When insurance adjusters evaluate the home roof, they check for visible signs of damage in and out of the home, to follow up.

Things you should not say to an insurance adjuster!

This is the duty of the adjuster to settle the claim with the insurance provider with as little liability as possible.

  1. Admitting Fault
  2. Going to speculate on what happened.
  3. Providing Your Damages Details.
  4. Having a registered declaration.
  5. Accepting the Bid for First Settlement.

How Claims for Roof Damage Insurance Work.

Most home insurance plans cover roof damage that is unpredictable. If your roof has been damaged in such by a tornado, hurricane, severe winds or by fallen debris, then perhaps the cost of fixing your roof to its pre-loss condition should be covered by your home insurance. Roof insurance claims for storm damage, though, they are not always so easy.

There are specifications on the age of the roof in certain insurance plans. For instance, if the roof is less than ten years old, then the full value of your roof would be covered. If your roof is more than 10 years old, you will only be reimbursed for the depreciated value of your roof by the insurance provider.

After Inspection.

The roof, siding, and gutter damage accepted by the original insurance adjuster are so much easier to get. Particularly if it is not yet evident (and will be after many rainy seasons), it is vital to get your QLC present to point out the legitimate damage that has been done to your roof, siding, and gutters.

The insurance provider will authorize a second inspection if the damage is not approved for repair at the first inspection (although the damage is there, it may not be obvious). When the insurance adjuster completes the inspection, he/she compiles a report depending on the outcomes and sends it for review to your insurance company.

The insurance agent will normally notify the homeowners and the contractor at the conclusion of the inspection if they agree or disagree with the repair of the roof, siding, and other affected areas.

Bottom Line

Claims for roof coverage can also be challenging. Insurance companies, particularly if you already have an older roof with previously existing damage, would like to restrict the amount they pay for your roof claim. You should find a public adjuster to ensure the roof damage is properly secured. A decent public adjuster can handle your case from start to finish, working on your behalf with the insurance providers need to ensure that your roof damage insurance claim is correctly addressed, and you earn the equal payout you deserve.

Call your local roofing company for more information and help with your insurance claims.

Blog written for: P.C.S. Roofing by SEO After Coffee. Plagiarism checked with Grammarly w/100% original content. All Right Reserved. Oct. 2020
